Welcome to our self referral and wellbeing centre. Here you will find information about local local NHS services. Should you need to contact us with regards to any results from a self assessment tool, please either submit an online consultation (via the home page).

Musculoskeletal Service and Physiotherapy
Healthshare Screening Tool – Healthshare DIgital (healthshare-digital.org.uk)
If you need to speak to an administrator, they’re open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm on 0203 752 6060

Smoking Cessation Support
We can refer you to our linked smoking cessation team or you may self refer using this link Cut Down to Quit | One You Kensington & Chelsea Westminster

Counselling and Wellbeing
If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, low mood or isolation, Community Living Well can help. It makes it easy for you, and anyone who cares for you, to access a wide range of clinical and wellbeing services.
Services include: NHS Talking Therapies (IAPT), and wellbeing services, such as peer support groups, self-care and practical support with employment, debt, housing and benefits issues.
You can refer yourself and you will be contacted within 5 working days.
To Self-refer:
Call: 020 3317 4200
Email: cnw-tr.clw@nhs.net

Know Diabetes
It also offers support and advice for those resident in north west London, to better understand and manage diabetes.
Please click on the link to be taken to the site

Preventing Diabetes
Please click on the link to be taken to the site.

Know Diabetes Video Tour
Patient Portal Tour – NWL on Vimeo

Community Corner
Helping people to live well in their communities.
Manned by a dedicated team of Neighbourhood Navigators, Community Corner at Violet Melchett acts as an information and support hub with regards to both healthcare and community services.
More specifically, we offer:
Signposting to appropriate health, wellbeing and community services
- Task-based support (e.g. help with self-referrals, organising repeat prescriptions/Patchs, blue badge applications)
- A flexible, open community space combating social isolation through regular wellness events and simple conversation
Welcoming and accessible to all, we are open for walk-ins on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-4pm. Anyone can drop in, whether with a request for specific support or simply for a friendly conversation. We also run weekly wellness events every Thursday – recent events have included massage, Chair Yoga, watercolour painting and group walk to the Chelsea Physic Garden. Patients can sign up by emailing nhsnwl.vmcommunitycorner@nhs.net, or via our Eventbrite:
You can find us at the Violet Melchett Health and Wellbeing Hub, 30 Flood Walk, SW3, 5RR
We also welcome referrals from practices, including for patients who would benefit from private, one-to-one signposting and support. Just send us an email at nhsnwl.vmcommunitycorner@nhs.net explaining the patient’s situation and need at and we can book them in for an appointment.

Free Mental Health Support for those aged 11-25
See more at https://www.kooth.com
Best For You supports children and young people, their families, and professionals by drawing together information on mental health conditions, online support (including Kooth), together with links to local services provided by West London NHS Trust. It also houses a mental health-focused, up-to-date apps library.
See more in the attached documents, and at https://bestforyou.org.uk/for-young-people/

One You Kensington and Chelsea: simple changes towards a longer, healthier and happier life.
The healthy lifestyles service is a 10-week-programme for adults aged 18+. It is tailored to you to help improve your health in all areas, from improving sleep quality to eating well on a budget! We also have additional group weight loss support & physical activity classes you can join.
We are here to help all residents of the bi-borough on their journeys to happier, healthier lives.
To sign up please give us a call on
020 3434 2500
or use our quick online form:
For more information

Alcohol and Substance Misuse
More information can be found at:
Alcohol and substance misuse | Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (rbkc.gov.uk)
For self referrals to the alcohol service:
Referrals – The Alcohol Service in Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea and Hammersmith and Fulham | Change Grow Live
For alcohol and drug services:
Services | DAWS – Westminster – Kensington & Chelsea (turning-point.co.uk)

NHS Screening Programmes
More information is available at NHS screening – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Antenatal Care
Please click on the link to be taken to their self referral page.

NHS Food Scanner App
Click on the link to access the free NHS food scanner app.

NHS Healthier Families
Click to access the NHS Healthier Families website.

Sexual Health
Just visit Sexual Health London and complete the online consultation. If the service is right for you, a free kit will be posted out so you can collect your samples and return them to the lab for testing – you will receive the test results within a few days.
Alternatively you can pick up a self-testing kit at the sexual health clinic.

BMI Calculator
For referral to weight management programmes you must have a BMI greater than 30. This threshold is lowered for people from black, asian and ethnic minority backgrounds, as we know people from these ethnic backgrounds are at an increased risk of conditions such as Type 2 diabetes at a lower BMI.
For those who have a BMI below 30 but wish to receive support with a healthier lifestyle please self refer to ‘One You’ by calling 020 3434 2500 orhttps://www.oneyou-rbkc-westminster.org.uk/#Sign-Up.

Breast Self Examination
For more information on performing this visit
How should I check my breasts? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Carers Network
We work directly with Carers to assess them for a Carers Allowance and a Carers Personal Budget. If language is a barrier, then an Interpreter can be provided for the assessment.
There are several in-person and online social activities/events that we host such as Mindful Yoga, Carers Forum, Art Classes, Creative Writing, Coffee Mornings, Mindfulness (Meditation) and the Male Social Corner.
Last year we launched the BizzyBox Project, a lending scheme that enables Carers to borrow comfort toys and sensory stimulation products for their loved ones who are living with Dementia, Autism, Learning Difficulties or recovering from a Stroke.

Cancer Support
Their Support Specialists, Psychologists and Benefits Advisors are here, if you or someone you care about has cancer.